All About Pregnancy, Pregnancy Symptoms and Preparing for Maternity.

Pregnancy is a miracle period of every pregnant woman. When you are start to doubt and you search what is pregnancy symptoms after that you try to ovulation calculator or pregnancy calculator then you try to observe pregnancy symptoms on your body. You look for an early signs of pregnancy in yourself. When some of pregnancy symptoms fit you, you think this is signs of pregnancy. After then you buy some pregnancy tests and use them. Now you have a “positive pregnancy test” Congratulations, you are pregnant.

What is Pregnancy Symptoms ?

You experience prolonged hunger. When you eat, you can only get away from this feeling for a short time, but you cannot get rid of it completely. You always want to eat something.

When you empty your bladder, you need to go to the toilet frequently, even if you don’t get much urine.

You feel constantly nauseous and need to vomit. Nipples can become very sensitive and tingle to the extent that you can feel them. The color of the nipple circumference may turn darker than usual. Your breasts may be just as uncomfortable as just before your periods, or even more uncomfortable.

One of the most obvious signs of pregnancy is the absence of your period. A woman will have her period about two weeks after ovulation, depending on the length of her menstrual period. Although some women may have a light period during their pregnancy, this is not very common.

Back pain is another early pregnancy symptom that is thought to be caused by the effects of pregnancy hormones.

Smells that you wouldn’t normally notice can make you feel nauseous and dizzy. You can smell raw meat, especially chicken and beef. You can hardly tolerate the smells of cooking food that do not normally bother you.

Coffee, alcohol, fried or greasy food can make you physically sick. If you smoke, stop smoking during pregnancy, even the smell of cigarettes can be bad for you. You feel so exhausted that you think about how to finish the day.

Also you can find early pregnancy symptoms in below page :

Tips for Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Chadwick’s Sign

1 weeks pregnant

There is neither an embryo nor a baby yet. However, one of your ovaries has started to work that month to enlarge the egg cell that may be fertilized that month. Your uterus also thickens to allow a possible embryo to settle, instead of shedding the membrane layer remaining from the previous menstrual period with menstrual bleeding.

4 weeks pregnant

At the end of this week, you can announce to the whole world that you will be a mother. Your period was delayed when you should have had your period normally. You know that there may be such delays from time to time, but you are still excited. Then why would you be more curious? Get a pregnancy test at the pharmacy right away and do it at home. If the result is negative, don’t despair because from time to time pregnancy tests can be negative. In this case, the wisest thing to do is to make an appointment with your doctor immediately. If you don’t have a doctor yet, start asking your friends now. It is a pity that a conscious woman today does not have a gynecologist whom she can see regularly and ask questions. Your doctor will examine you. It is generally not possible to see the gestational sac in the ultrasonography performed during this period. However, a blood pregnancy test can detect whether there is a pregnancy with an accuracy of close to 100%. If you are pregnant, your doctor will advise you. If you are not pregnant or have a period, try not to be too upset. Keep in mind that the rate of conception on the first try is only 25%. Keep trying. If you are not pregnant despite a missed period, your doctor will give you a treatment to get your period.

6 weeks pregnant

Now you are starting to feel small changes in yourself. These changes continue especially with headache and nausea. Nausea is seen in 70% of pregnant people, but it is not seen in 30% of them. However, at your first doctor’s control, ultrasound will be observed and you will be shown the location of the sac and the amniotic fluid of the embryo in it. It can be considered too early to hear the heartbeat. In the early stages of pregnancy, when the heartbeat is not heard in the ultrasound, vaginal ultrasound can be applied. The purpose of this is to detect a live pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy. In many pregnant women, the baby’s heartbeat occurs in the 6th week. When you hear the heartbeat, you will officially start to feel pregnant.

9 weeks pregnant

At nine weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s length is about 2 cm and its weight is about 2 grams. According to the last menstrual period, after the 9th week, that is, from the beginning of the 10th week, the baby is called the fetus, not the embryo (after the 8th week after fertilization). The ninth week is the end of the embryonic period, from the end of this week, that is, after the 10th week begins, the fetal period begins. In the ninth week, bone and cartilage tissues begin to form in the baby. Eyes develop, tongue begins to form. The baby’s fingers and toes continue to develop, but the fingers are still partially adjacent to each other.

12 weeks pregnant

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby’s height is about 5 cm and its weight is about 15 grams. Nails continue to form, not yet fully formed. Depending on whether the baby is a boy or a girl, the external genitalia begins to take shape. The gender of babies who can be seen with the naked eye due to miscarriage this week can be understood, but rarely with ultrasound. The baby’s kidneys have started to produce urine. The intestines, which had previously come out of the abdomen around the umbilical cord, turn into the abdomen in this patient. The baby can move and bend fingers and toes. He is already beginning to practice sucking with his mouth.

15 weeks pregnant

This week’s surprise news: Your baby’s hair is growing out. Fine, silky hairs called lanugo begin to appear on the developing baby’s head. These primitive hairs are lost at birth. The second important news is that your baby has started to suck his thumb. Your doctor will show you if the baby puts his finger in his mouth and sucks under ultrasound. Do not be afraid, this does not indicate that the baby will have a habit of thumb sucking after birth. It’s just a reflex in the womb.

20 weeks pregnant

Congratulations. You are in the middle of your pregnancy adventure. The baby has completed half of its life in the womb. Rapid brain maturation begins in this week, which will continue until the age of 5 after birth. The baby’s senses of smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch begin to become more active. Eyebrows and hair become well defined. The fetus blinks frequently. Hairs called lanugo cover his entire body, but are mostly found around the face and neck. The heartbeat accelerates. The baby’s movements are also accelerated and strengthened. The weight of the baby is about 250-450 grams.

25 weeks pregnant

From head to heel, your baby is now about 32.5 cm tall. Its weight—775 grams—doesn’t sound big, but its tall and lean appearance is getting rounder. As your baby gains weight, his wrinkled skin will begin to flatten and he will look more and more like a newborn baby. Her hair is now probably distinguishable in both color and texture, but both can change after birth.

30 weeks pregnant

The fine hairs, called lanugo, that cover your baby’s skin are now slowly starting to disappear, while fingernails and toenails are gradually growing. Bone marrow has completely taken over blood cell production from the liver. On the other hand, the baby begins to become aware of his surroundings. Although the inside of the uterus is generally thought to be pitch dark, it may be light or dark depending on the environment in which the expectant mother is, and the baby can distinguish it. In male babies, the testicles are about to complete the descent into the bag. The baby’s weight has reached two-thirds of its birth weight. In these weeks, the expectant mother begins to get bored with pregnancy. Not being able to sleep and heartburn are common problems.

35 weeks pregnant

Even if your preterm labor pains start after this week, your doctor will not try to stop it. Your baby can easily continue his life after birth without any problems or with a little care, and his weight is over 2000 grams. Your baby continues to store fat. This week, fat retention begins in the arms and legs. All organ systems have completed their development and maturation. Now the finishing touches are being done. Since it starts to take up more space in the uterus compared to the water in which it swims, it will not be easy to move. From this week onwards, your doctor may want to examine you at every control and examine the condition of your cervix and whether it is open. When you come to these weeks, your insomnia problem may increase.

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