Millions Are Suffer : Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disorder or skin infection and seen on skin whiteness, scabs, and like bounded scars. It is very common disorders world wide and could be disturbing and annoying for patients. Cause of psoriasis are not exactly defined but some researchs show us: genetic (from family history), based on morale and moods, weak immune system, unhealthy or insufficient nutrition with smoke and excessive alcohol. Doctors are mostly say stress level have very important to emergence and develop of the psoriasis. But when patients saw psoriasis effects on their body, to control level of stress may not very easy.

Psoriasis is mostly seen fingers and nails, head-between hairs, joints. But acoording to degree of psoriasis and power of your immune system and of course your mood, it spread other areas on body. According to research of patients, when you suffer another illness and when you are very stressed and depressed, psoriasis may appear on a scar area and could easily spread. Genetic research couldn’t find a definitive treatment but researchers offer to patients some beneficial advices for mitigation and spread psoriasis.

One of this advices is increase of vitamin D that you get. You can eat and foods which contain high vitamin d and design your eating plan in this consept. Not only foods, another big and free vitamin d source is sun. Research shows us, in summer when you get sunlight more, there could be reduce effects of psoriasis on your body. Especially psoriasis scars may will be less after a long summer holiday if you get enough sun light. For getting vitamin d more effective take a look this page :

Besides that you shouldn’t lift scabs, if you lift, an extra effort will be required for heal scar area and your body and this is not good for your healing process from psoriasis. You can use a cotton with olive oil or other naturel soft oil to scars before shower.

If you are smoker you need to stop smoking as soon as possible because smoke have big harmful effects our immune system. As we said before strong immune system is a key factor all illness and infection. Some researchers and patients claims that reducing and cut milk and dairy products in daily meals could help against psoriasis. There are very much psoriasis type and everyone has a differen body, immune system so best offers against psoriasis you need to some check up and test in a clinic.

About 80% psoriasis seen before the age of 40 but it might be seen all ages and it may be with intervals so you can’t see any symptom of psoriasis during a few month ot years but when your immune system is weak emerge again.

Treatment of psoriasis :

There are a few treatment which approved from FDA. But we want to tell one of most effective and mostly known ways for psoriatic arthiritis or some other type psoriasis cosentyx or called secukinumab.

FDA was approve in usage cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) for treatment psoriatic arthiritis in 2015 and since than cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) could help very much people for overcome psoriasis. Secukinumab is active ingredient cosebtyx. Cosebtyx dosage is change person to person because of their immune system, weight and development of illness. After some necessary tests, your doctor will prescribe and inject you. Also cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) is could be used all ages and genders. For best results, you need to use 16 weeks duration. After 16 weeks evaluating the results, dosage or intervals could be changed if its necessary. Success rate is very high and beside USA, usage cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) very common world wide treatment way for psoriatic arthiritis.

Secukinumab is a prescription medication that is used to treat certain autoimmune diseases. It is a type of monoclonal antibody, which means it is a protein that is designed to specifically target and neutralize certain substances in the body. Secukinumab is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (a skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin) and ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis that affects the spine). It is administered as a subcutaneous injection (a shot given under the skin) and is typically given once a week or once a month, depending on the specific condition being treated and the individual patient. As with any medication, secukinumab can cause side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of secukinumab with a healthcare provider before starting treatment.

Side effects cosebtyx ( secukinumab ): Mostly seen side effect is very simple and easy to fight rather than psoriasis such as upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and throat ache disease. Another coherent and meaningful side effect is not observed or reported. Beside these in some cases changes are observed liver enzymes very rere. Because of these changes you should get cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) under doctor control. Also cosebtyx is will be under pressure your immune system for healing in this reason you need to be extra careful about other virus and infection, your body more vulnerable because of usage secukinumab.

You can panic or concern when you see the scars on your skin. And during your treatment process you feel frustration and disappointment but get rid of psoriatic arthiritis and psoriasis is a difficult period for patients but if you be patient you absolutely win. Not easy but you can do it. Also your mental health and mood very important for fight against psoriasis and please don’t forget stop smoking.

If you have a psoriasis patient in your family or friends don’t cause them feel under pressure. Supporting, feeling comfortable very significant and benefical for them to their struggle. Be careful about hygiene confitions surround them for example don’t smoke near or wash your hands,items. Because psoriasis patients will be vulnerable against infections because of usage cosentyx. Don’t worry, psoriasis is not contagious so just support them to win their battle.

What is cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) prices?

Cosebtyx ( secukinumab ) prices are change according to dosage, qualification country or your health insurance but we can say average between1600 and 3500 U.S. dolar.

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