Most Difficult Period for Parents : Puberty and Adolescence

The puberty period begins at the age of 11-12 and continues to almost twenty years old.
It is the general name of the period that includes physical, mental and social changes that last until the age of 16. Pre-adolescence to the beginning of this period we say. Adolescence is a different period from other periods of life in terms of experiences, feelings and changes. In order for this change and evelopment process not to be too painful, parents, other adults around the child It is important that they are informed and pay special attention to certain issues. Because, in general, children experience difficulties in adapting to their environment due to physical and psychological changes.

“Babies and Known for his research on “Childhood” French Psychiatrist Françoise Dolto (1908-1988), adolescence defined as second birth. According to Françoise Dolto birth, the transition from fetal to infancy, and adolescence from childhood represents the transition to adulthood. Adolescents just like life
stated that they are fragile and frail like babies in their heads. Dolto: “Adolescents are like molting lobsters. Lobsters are weak and vulnerable during the molting period. Adolescence is a period in which the individual is weak and vulnerable period,” he said.

During this period, he often shuts himself in his room and locks his door. The desire to hold Like height, weight and hair physical elements become very important and there may be concerns about them. Depending on these developments, his interest, curiosity and questions towards sexual differences and the opposite sex increase.
But all this does not mean that it is seen in all children. It particularly emphasizes the point.
There are benefits: All the physical changes that will take place from the beginning to the end of puberty and the ones that will be experienced. Emotional responses are UNIVERSAL. However, in every individual when will this process begin, when will it end, Which adaptation problems he will encounter and how he will deal with these problems is a very personal process. Experts they explain the individuality of this process as follows: The genetic structure of the individual is the cultural values, climate of the country, eating habits, family attitudes etc. Especially in pre-adolescence, bone.

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Some Clumsiness and Clumsiness in the child, as muscle coordination and muscle coordination are not fully provided can be seen quite often. If your child body start to change too early its possible precocious puberty. For treatment and diagnoise precocious pubert you need to see a pediatrics or pediatrician doctor. Some of urgent situation you can find urgent care pediatrics on ads this site. precocious puberty is very common in our age.

Because children’s muscles and bones to its changing body and bodily movements with its rapid development. is in the process of adaptation. If we show a negative attitude towards the clumsiness of the child, it will hurt his honor and we may encounter a backlash. Because in this process the child is more sensitive to failures and mistakes. Do not react harshly to warnings and criticism, i.e. in general a state of nervousness and tension is observed. child changing-developing feelings of both shame and pride in your body together lives. Being aware of this situation as a parent and helping the child love himself and be at peace with himself. Helping is very important. Different in houses with siblings of the sexes, Rooms should be separated if possible. this kid constitutes a positive factor in its development. Children sleeping with their parents from the point of view of its development, it is not considered appropriate by many experts.

What can parents do in this process?

Should try to be informed about the pre-adolescence/adolescence process,
Consider that this period of the child is long-term,
Overwhelm in the face of your child’s negative behavior
He should avoid reacting, that is, he should not lose his cool in the face of the inconsistent behavior of the child. Child’s mismatch his behavior should be tried to be resolved by communicating and talking with him. (This at this point, it is important for parents to self-review their communication skills.)
Give the child the opportunity to get used to the feelings, adolescence and find his own way for the first time in this period,
Recognize that the child is “growing up”. in families
The main problem seen is that their young children are growing up.
they do not accept. Your child is growing. Such a situation brings more freedom to the child. The child adorns and begins to take great care in dressing, the time spent in front of the mirror increases, especially his hair he cares. He should set the boy free on this matter.
Supervision, being controlled, being directed is one of the emotions that can cause rebellion in this age period. For this reason, these features must be absolutely necessary in communication with adolescents.
It must be taken into attention.
Regular sleep of the child should be monitored,
Those who can do artistic and sports activities should be encouraged,
He should be guided to realize his hobbies.

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What is pediatrics and does it help?

Pediatric endocrinology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders in children. Hormones are substances produced by endocrine glands in the body and have very important functions such as reproduction, metabolism, growth and development.If your child body start to change too early its possible precocious puberty. For treatment and diagnoise precocious pubert you need to see a pediatrics or pediatrician doctor. Some of urgent situation you can find urgent care pediatrics on ads this site. precocious puberty is very common in our age.

Pediatric endocrinology or pediatric endocrinology is a sub-specialty of the pediatric health and diseases department, which deals with hormonal disorders and metabolic disorders in infants, children and adolescents from the neonatal period to the age of 18. A pediatrician who specializes in this field is called a pediatric endocrinologist or a pediatric endocrinologist. You can find pediatrics and pediatrician clinics near you on ads this page and get latest pediatrics and pediatrician doctor prices.

The main topics of interest of the pediatric endocrinology department are; growth and development retardation, short stature, early or delayed puberty, diabetes (diabetes), obesity (obesity), thyroid gland diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and goiter, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal insufficiency, adrenal gland related diseases such as Cushing’s syndrome, excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularity, Turner syndrome, calcium and bone metabolism disorders (rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta), pituitary gland diseases, hypoglycemia, sexual development disorders, micropenis, undescended testis, sex development disorders.

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